Marc's - Select Publications And Presentations - Marc F. Weiss -





Weiss, M. F. (1973) The treatment of insomnia through the use of electrosleep:

            An EEG study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 157, 108-120.


Weiss, M. F.  (1975)The effects of electrosleep on insomnia revisited: A two year

            follow-up. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 161, 134-137.


Weiss, M. F. (1985) Children's attitudes toward mental illness as assessed by

            the Opinions About Mental Illness Scale.  Psychological Reports, 57, 251-258.


Weiss, M. F.(1986) Children's attitudes toward the mentally ill: A developmental analysis.

            Psychological Reports, 58, 11-20.


Weiss, M. F. (1988) The Successful Use of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy as Surgical Analgesia

            in an Exploratory and Operative Cancer Procedure: The Patient's Experiences and Reflections. 

            In S. Lankton (Ed.) Treating Special Populations with Ericksonian Approaches,

            Ericksonian Monographs Number 3.  New York: Brunner/Mazel.


Weiss, M. F. (1989) Contributing Author in "Tales of Enchantment: Goal Directed Metaphors for Children and Adults"

            edited by Stephen and Carol Lankton, Brunner/Mazel, New York.


Weiss, M. F. (1991) Using House Calls in a Psychotherapy Practice, a chapter in Innovations in Clinical Practice,

            Ninth Edition, Professional Resource Exchange, Sarasota.


Weiss, M. F. (1993) Ericksonian Hypnotherapy for pain Control During and Following Surgery.

            Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis. 14(2), 53-74.


Weiss, M. F. (1994) Children's Attitudes Toward the Mentally Ill: An Eight Year Longitudinal Follow-up. 

            Psychological Reports. 74, 51-56


Weiss, M. F.  (1995) How Ambiguous are Ambiguous Tasks? Ericksonian Monographs, Number 10,

            Difficult Contexts for Therapy,  Brunner/Mazel.


Writings in Progress


Therapeutic Secrets, Magic, and Miracles:

A Journey Into A Therapist's' Mind




Active Prescription Therapy

When Using Actions, Objects, Rites, Rituals, and Spells

Your Patients Are APT To Get Better (Book 389 Pages)



Weiss, M. F., The treatment of insomnia through the use of electrosleep: An EEG study.

 13th Annual APSS Meeting, May l973


Weiss, M. F., Children's perceptions of Mental illness: A developmental analysis. 

         IPA Meeting. November 1979


Weiss, M. F., The successful use of Ericksonian hypnotherapy as surgical analgesia in an

 exploratory and operative cancer procedure: The patient's experiences and reflections.

 The Third International Congress on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy.

 December 3, 1986


Weiss, M. F., Ericksonian Hypnotherapy for Pain Control During and Following Surgery,

American Psychological Association Annual Meetings. August, 1988


Weiss, M. F., Making House Calls and Remaining Sane: Homebound Family Treatment

Using Ericksonian Approaches.  American Association of Marriage and Family

Therapists Annual Meeting. October, 1988.


Weiss, M. F., The Use of Ericksonian Homework Assignments in Clinical Practice: The

Practice of Brief Interventions. National Association of Social Workers Annual Meeting, November, 1988.


Weiss, M. F., Integrating Hypnotic and Nonhypnotic Techniques in Brief Therapy. The

Fourth International Congress on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. December, 1988.


Weiss, M. F., Indirect Techniques of Psychotherapy and Hypnosis. The Fourth

International Congress on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and

Psychotherapy. December, 1988.


Weiss, M. F., Ericksonian Hypnotherapy for Pain Control During and Following Cancer

Surgery, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Annual Scientific Meetings. March, 1989.


Weiss, M. F., Making House Calls and Remaining Sane: Homebound Treatment using

Ericksonian Approaches. American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Annual Scientific

Meetings, March, 1989.


Weiss, M. F., The Integration of Hypnotic and Nonhypnotic Techniques in Brief Therapy.

American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Annual Scientific Meetings, March, 1989.


Weiss, M. F., The Integration of Hypnotic Techniques and Ericksonian Homework

Assignments in Brief Treatment. American Orthopsychiatric  Association Annual Meeting. April, 1989.


Weiss, M. F., The Integration of Hypnotic and Nonhypnotic Techniques in Ericksonian

Therapy. Invited Presentation,  American Psychological Association Annual Meetings,  August, 1989


Weiss, M. F., The Use of Ericksonian Homework Assignments in Brief Therapy. American

Psychological Association Annual Meetings, August, 1989.


Weiss, M. F., Chair of Symposium - Brief Therapy Techniques, American Psychological

Association Annual Meetings, August, 1989.


Weiss, M. F., Ericksonian Hypnotherapy for Pain Control During and Following Cancer

Surgery, The Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Annual Scientific Meetings,  November, 1989.


Weiss, M. F., The Integration of Hypnotic and Nonhypnotic Techniques In Ericksonian

Therapy: Curing Well People, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Annual Scientific Meetings, March, 1990.


Weiss, M. F., Curing Well People: The Integration of Hypnotic and Nonhypnotic

Procedures in Ericksonian Therapy, The American Orthopsychiatric Association

Annual Meetings,  April, 1990.


Weiss, M. F., How Ambiguous are Ambiguous Tasks? The Fifth International Congress on

Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. December, 1992.


Weiss, M. F., Virtual Reality: Will it be the new wave in Psychotherapy or Just Another

DSM V-R Classification? 37th Annual Scientific Meetings of the American Society

of Clinical Hypnosis, San Diego, California, March, 1995.


Weiss, M. F., Brief Counseling Strategies with Gifted Children. Illinois Association for Gifted Children,

Chicago, IL. February, 2005


Weiss, M. F., Speaking Indirectly to the Gifted Children. Illinois Association for Gifted Children,

Chicago, IL. February, 2005


Weiss, M. F., Storytelling 101: Introduction to Storytelling. Illinois Association for Gifted Children,

Chicago, IL. February, 2005


Weiss, M. F., Brief Counseling Strategies with Gifted Children. Illinois Association for Gifted Children,

Chicago, IL. February, 2006


Weiss, M. F., Storytelling 101: Introduction to Storytelling. Illinois Association for Gifted Children,

Chicago, IL. February, 2006


Weiss, M. F., Meditation and Relaxation for Gifted Children and Their Teachers. Illinois Association

          For Gifted Children, Chicago, IL. February, 2006


Weiss, M. F., Aspergers Syndrome, Giftedness, Both, or Something Else? Illinois Association for Gifted

Children, Chicago, IL. February, 2006


Weiss, M. F., Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity, Both, or Something Else? Gifted and Enriched Academic

Programs Presentation, Least Restrictive Environment Mandate, Stephen Decatur Classical

School, Chicago Public Schools. April, 2006.


Weiss, M. F., Brief Counseling Strategies with Gifted Children. Illinois Association for Gifted Children,

        Chicago, IL. February, 2007


Weiss, M. F. and Allegretti, B., Math, Problem Solving, Reasoning, Social Studies, Emotional Control,

        and Everything You Can Think of All in One: The Stock Market Competition.

        Illinois Association for Gifted Children, Chicago, IL. February, 2007