MARC FRANCHOT WEISS, PH.D. -- A PSYCHOLOGIST ON WHEELS -- HOUSE AND OFFICE CALLS AND VISITS -- CHICAGO AND LINCOLNWOOD, ILLINOIS -- Illinois Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Registered School Psychologist -- Brief, Problem Solving, and Strategic Psychotherapy; Clinical Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy; Educational, Family, Marital, Personal, Psychological Aspects of Stock and Option Trading, School, and Work Issues; HOWEVER, THIS SITE SHOULD ACTUALLY BE A PSYCHOLOGIST ON WHEELS AND OTHER RENAISSANCE INTERESTS AND SERVICES including finance, music, real estate, sports, and ......well, just ask me and I'll give you an answer!! CLICK FOR SELECT PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS WITH MORE TO COME..... Contact MARC - ALSO YOU CAN CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING:
All Rights Reserved Marc Franchot Weiss, Ph.D. 7-12-2008